Saturday, December 24, 2022

The Unknown Consequences

When the Gulf Stream is no longer pulled northward
By action of dynamism between warm and cold water
European weather will no longer be pleasant or warm
And those who have called out the notice, warnings
Made silent, forced to be without a voice, watching
The climate is changing, in more than temperatures
Warming and Greenhouse gases might well happen
But there are as many consequences still unforeseen
And it is the unknowns that will kill us, change us
We'll see temperatures boil upon the equator lands
And the Arctic and Antarctic will again grow ice
But beyond the obvious, the unknown is waiting
We can't plan for issues that we can't know exist
All the while, there are sides that keep debating
Endlessly asking to know what we cannot know
And for some it is to delay government action
While for others it is to prove their point