Monday, August 2, 2021

A Hunter's Lost Moment

Running through the thicket near the hill
Down to a stream swollen by recent rains
I'd hunted to feed my family with a deer
Tracking was not easy, finding soft tracks
I paused, looked up, and experienced a thrill
It was stunning, graceful, magical, perfect
Stood proudly, king of a divine reign
I was stunned and greatly awed
And I dared not draw near
Here was a creature that had epic grace
Compared to me, a trait I lacked
It was crowned with majestic antlers
A rack of power, and danger upon display
In this sacred place I realized how foolish I am
I'd no right, I knew it, walked home
I had been taught to be a hunter
But now had learned to be content
And I treasured the moment, and will
For it left me embarrassed for my every flaw
I'd had my chance to be bestial, and kill
But learned from the hunted, to show grace
And learn a different way to live
I just hope the world can forgive
All that I've done, now in shame