Monday, December 14, 2020


No, Imhotep never died
His flesh was preserved
Into forever unlife
For his great crime
He sought to restore his love
Back to living
Using the secret scrolls
Releasing the spell
To restore Ankhsenamen
To living breath
He violated the tomb
Seeking to save her
Not waiting to enter
The eternal realms together
He sought to reunite
So they might be afterward
Never parted
He was caught by tomb guardians
Taken to the priests of the dead
And preserved by spells
Covered in gauze
Entombed as a guard
Consigned to watch
Over his princess
His lifeless living eyes
Stared forth for many millennia
But his long wait ended
When archeologists found him
He returned to his mission
Trying to restore life to the dead
His reincarnated love