Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Human Hive

A hive of activity
Without the sting
Bees all missing
Long gone from view
We need the creativity
That modern minds
Can't promise to bring
We need to know the truth
Not from any bigotry
Natural selection clings
To anything serving as food
One cannot prosper
Only simply survive
With a rumbling tummy
A hive is limited in offers
Honey rewards as a bribe
Modernity calls it money
Demand becomes stronger
For dreams still alive
Hope becomes me
I will try harder
The hive has limitations
And I do not belong

“Look tonight at the stars. Let them overwhelm you in the postures of their bright dance. Face the vastness which they dot like silver bees, and sound with your own brain the mystery, hazarding at the inscrutable plan of things.”  Robert H. Barlow