Thursday, December 17, 2020

We Deserve It

By my life's end there'll be few wild animals 
Most of the wild has gone extinct 
While those left still struggle to exist
I blame the hunger for land and seeking wealth
Selfish desire doesn't allow wild to stay wild 
The human species has guilt that's damnable
We don't see the wild as a gift, we squandered it
We will have destroyed our planet's health
Immature, without wisdom, like a dull child
Now we watch in confused foolish haze
As the world collapses, some will wonder
Why can't we go back to the old days, it can't 
Because of our actions that destroy, not save
Who are we to decide such things?
We are animals as well
Not exalted beings
We are not God

“If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would 
only have four years left to live.”  Maurice Maeterlinck