Saturday, December 12, 2020

Mask Masquerade

Every time I have fear I count the occasions
When all fears became realized, if too late
In time we will consume the young
Eating seed, saved for the next planting
We'll take our earth and carve from it
And our children will starve for it
When one nation shall slaughter nation
Then shall we enter a moral stagnation
Finality bleeds, we can't escape this fate
My disgust is paramount, I can't disguise
That we'll reach the zenith of culture
With architecture reaching the sky
But we are impoverished forever
And this vulgar fetid species will die
DNA won't help, even as foundations
Our structure is built upon sand and hate
Beyond repair, nothing to build
For we've lost the chance to rise
We are disguised from our masquerade
Our lies will linger, we will hide our eyes
And masks will be our refuge, must be worn
For we are sheep, and we must be shorn

“Masks beneath masks until suddenly the bare bloodless skull.”  Salman Rushdie

(This was written prior to Covid, it is not a political commentary, regarding, at least, covid.)