Tuesday, November 30, 2021
While we are without a way to prevent the disaster
Not entirely due to arrogance, perhaps ignorance
But we could stop it, if we are able to respond
Humans are clever, imaginative, able to think
But if we refuse to believe, we've no answers
We are foolish and we become a modern Icarus
The Goal in the Distance
We'd ridden through weather
That would crush a spirit inside
We'd ridden through an enemy
Who were tasked to deny
Still we found our objective
As our force kept moving
Moving forward for months
Endlessly it seemed, we would ride
And now we could stop and see
The objective stood before us
And we'd have to decide
How much energy was left
To decide the matter
Should we continue
Stealing a day upon the foe
Perhaps bring surprise
Or should we rest
Attacking at the morning's rise
Making certain we were ready
For a duty none desired
But if battle is given
It is not our choice
But inside our beings
Is a burning fire
Whatever path we follow
We still move on
For our task can be seen
In the mist shrouded sky
In a glorious white covered horizon
Not perfect but I believe
You've asked me why I'm broken
Why is it that I bleed?
I've never been the chosen one
And my life is full of need
Where is my joy?
Why am I not properly happy?
You asked if my prayers are properly spoken
And if I believe
My friend you don't understand
Not even the first thing
You're not a believer because you're perfect
You aren't going enter Heaven by your works
You don't win points for regret
I believe and in my mind I am satisfied
I believe my savior died for my sins
And by his act I was forgiven
He returned and will return again
The point isn't winning
It is how my faith influences my behavior
It should reflect upon how I am living
The point is not that the church is perfect
Nor are her people
Church is a triage for the wounded
And I know this in my own path
For it is by his stripes that I was healed
I believe, I do
I am a sinner that is full on truth
But if I'm a failure I still try
Perfection isn't the deal
The point is that I've repented
I believe and that's enough for me
No not perfection, not regret,
Only salvation
And not by any works of my own hand
I cannot achieve salvation
It is an act of mercy and grace
Offered for those who believe
And live their faith
Living in Dream
With his armor and abilities polished and ready
He gave service to the King, remarkable, steady
Michel of Bretagne, chevalier bearing a false name
Charged to protect a valuable coach and baggage train
Charged by his lord, Michel a known and able knight
With sword, steel, flesh and blood he'd stand
Protector of his lord's daughter and retinue
He understood that he'd earned his lord's trust
With a loyalty and honor that wasn't momentary
No simple raid or attack could possibly succeed
With men of arms chosen from the finest of the land
Michel led others well, and would stand his ground
He was prepared as well as any other warrior
And the princess was secure in his protection
His leadership gained trust, a brave vanguard
While upon the journey, enemies were absent
Lands in the journey being quiet, calm and content
But a mysterious voice rose, singing an odd sound
It was not comforting nor was it alarming
It was beautiful, but somber, moving
Setting up a guarded perimeter he dismounted
Taking four men with him to investigate
Moving into the wood towards the song
He spied a nymph crying, and felt odd
His legs began walking as he disarmored
He was filled with passion, great amour
He lost his mind, trapped in the sounds
Of a nymph singing a sorrow song
Luring him closer, and closer to her
He dropped his weapon and fell
The other men fled back to the wagons
And returned to the Lord's land
And had a story to tell
In the clutches of the wood folk
A knight can bear arms
But to slay them is difficult
For they lure with charms
Ever since the event Sir Michel is gone
He has been seen again, but he is moving
To the rhythm and sound
Of the nymph's sorrow song
Monday, November 29, 2021
Death is the Knight's Constant Companion
Yet, it is less difficult than the quest
Of the one known as the Death Knight
Who treads a path that will kill him
And even if perfect in his acts
He might still fail the test
Some quests are impossible
With no means to properly end
If the knight must escape death
Age and battle wound his flesh
Whatever he does, he'll fail
All have an impossible task
To escape final breath
Death and sorrow, steal
From his life, as well as hope
It follows him
But the end is hiding in shadows
Bitter tears wash
Now burning his throat
Every mile passing, he is closer
And still, the veteran knight knows
He'll fail doing his best to succeed
He has to become aware of the toll
He finds a way to pass through
Giving succor to the wounded
Hope to the dying
Giving restoration to the hopeless
Comfort and hope to orphans
Defeat of death comes
But not in the finality
In providing a way to thrive
In what might be an impossible life
The Castrophe that Befell two Cities
The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was complete
A hail of brimstone and fire sent from Heavens fell
The cities were made to burn, with flame and sulfur
The residents made to suffer for their human conceit
They would not change so now they endured a Hell
Not even 10 righteous men there when came the thunder
The disaster was total destruction, remembered well
Death Riding
In each human life we must acknowledge a truth
Our time on earth is limited, death is the proof
We are allowed to dream, and some actually do
But the phantom of death riding, beckons doom
We live in empty fear, of nothing that compares
Sleep is our escape, from Death's lair
Laughed Falsely
She laughed and said stop
I was feeling flushed red
So I said what did I do
She called what I said flattery
And that we had trouble ahead
She thought what I said wasn't true
But love isn't a kind of lottery
And my words weren't false
It drives me mad
The madness growing
There's nothing I can do
To change her perceptions
What I said were not deceptions
I move on, I guess, let's go
It was her who said yes
And now this
This mystery is ongoing
Ever unfolding
I fail so often
Yeah I know
Sunday, November 28, 2021
The Sensitive pay
An ever growing clamor
My attention is deadened
From the noise, the din
Those who are sensitive
Those who feel the pain
Become endangered
From destruction within
Those sensitive become
Canaries in a Coal Mine
Given assigned seats
In the world's asylum
And then they are blamed
For the supposed crime
Of being the wounded
But the world is wrong
To think the silence there
Will possibly break them
For the cold quiet ground
Of the marble tile floors
Are cool to the touch
Soothing and clean,
Becoming sanctuary
For silence is golden
If only to the sensitive
Jean de La Bruyère: "A vie est une tragédie pour celui qui sent, et une comédie pour celui qui pense." 'Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think.'
A moment thought
Tethered to mother unit by an umbilical cord
As I hover in space with endless hunger
Already there a familiar pain is calling
Yes cold, wet and jaded
With a life painted in shame
Born wrought by tragedy and grieving
Life offers only discord, days stolen by fear
Days borrowed and wasted
By hatred for a being not love nor embrace
Floating in the ether I can't believe the scene
The madness of what I see
Why bother Why give me life?
If this is what I receive
Isolation and sorrow, steal every pulse
Dreaming of tomorrow, the units responds
With a disgusted repulse, striking a pose
The proper outlook should anyone stop
Or bother to look but no one does
It is a holy cause, no judgment
So sing a lullaby maybe I'll dream
Instead of screaming
Will I miss the pain or the separation
Happening over and over
My God why bother giving me life
Nightmares in control I have no dreams
And it torments my soul
There is nothing only waste
And total decay, but I go on
I'll pay the toll
What else is there that I can do
The Emptied Vase
My life, in photos, captured
By a memory fully emptied
No recognition, I'm shattered
Into the dark oblivion, a stare
No knowledge of any need
No evidence of an existence
Still alive but nothing's there
No presence, no persistence
So I surrender, giving prayer
Nothing left to remember
A bottle of wine, emptied
Chrome Serenity
In that place, with no light, no sound, no human interaction
Solitude can restore a life or condemn it through abstraction
Humanity can become a machine, automation as the finality
Without others not being a part of society, there's no reality
As we grind and hum, until we simply sleep waiting to wake
No more alterations, no repairs needed and no actions to take
If we sleep more than we live, enter into a chrome serenity
We retreat from our biological species, an inorganic identity
Into a new kind of madness, a clear, logical sort of lucidity
Absent intuition and emotion, replacing love with steel
“It seems nothing can counteract the proliferation of this Artificial
Intelligence based on the zero degree of thought. Nothing, that is,
except this reversibility of intelligence and stupidity - the latter
representing a renewed challenge to victorious intelligence."
Jean Baudrillard
Saturday, November 27, 2021
The Constant Empty Search
He loved another, but it wasn't allowed
He thought it was a sin, he wasn't proud
Sooner than later, his heart moved on
Dreams were the sort that'd intrude on
Every thought he had, to improve upon
The life he led, such an empty struggle
And his future was lost in the muddle
Of his mind and heart in unequal fight
He'd be alone, for each and every night
Until he broke his oath a life asunder
“...oaths and anchors equally will drag: naught else abides on fickle earth but unkept promises of joy.” Herman Melville
She Wakes Only in Winter
In winter she is present, alive, and vibrant
But during all other seasons, she sleeps
The Winter Queen has the deepest dreams
Waking upon awareness of the first hard frost
And she gathers her tribe, preparing the hunt
Upon the snowfield with her stalk the polar bears
And hawks and owls join in the misty air aloft
Her tribe will serve their queen, she is majestic
Her being regal, her looks divine, her skin so soft
Her enemies are driven away, fleeing in despair
Unable to fight, unable to defeat her in any way
The short winter days are still glorious and fair
Like the queen's own being, the cold calls to her
The echoes in the wind of past lovers call her name
Her spirit is mighty, and it will not be tamed
Life is tough
First it held me
So I tight I couldn't breathe
Not letting me go
Until it kickboxed me in the face
Then it fisted me in the groin
With one kick shattered a knee
With a swift blow
Cracked my face
Again it took me in embrace
Crushed all my organs
Biting me
It said let it be, let it be
I've won again, let it be
And then Boom!
One to be a reminder
That I had been kicked
By life itself
Life not only won
It spiked the ball
Danced in the endzone
And it then sang loudly
Letting me bask
In the mockery
Of all my failures
Yes, I am broken
The last one chosen
But I will be back
This is not the end
Not by any means
I will be back
And then
Let it be
Friday, November 26, 2021
The Safe Place
There, deep in the entrails of a world
In the plunging viscera of the earth
Secret fortresses and cities prospered
Alive with desperate activities
A great war in the skies threatened
The greater whole of humanity
Survival was by no means guaranteed
In this safe, dark, cold place they thrived
Desperation kept them alive
These wars of fought in the Heavens
Between Vimāna and Sky Chariots
Piloted by gods the wars burned
They left behind an earth cursed
With no safe lands, on the surface
Until both armies had died or left
Or that of a greater fleet's arrival
With nothing the communities could do
But wait, pray and hope, to endure
Until the enemies were through
Killing each other
A Knot Untied
They call it tying the knot for a reason
What was wrought together was undone
By the treason, of both hearts, and dreams
When each pursued their own futures
As two not as two who become one
The dissolution was certain
And now
No more secrets between them
Nor secrets to keep
No more vows to hold
Nor believe in
Ever again
Stacked like Wood for Burning
In a society where the burning of the books is celebrated
It will not be long before that which is burning is bodies
In the world without conscience, human life is worthless
When those who do not accept conformity are the hated
Civilization will fade, dying from a toxic life, envious
Stacking the cold dead bodies, as so much wood to burn
Wonder not then, if your golden age will not soon return
A poem inspired by the quote by Heinrich Heine
"Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen."
"Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings."
Lingering Reminders
Each of our lives are being lived
In the aftermath of the cold wars
Living in a world of great risk
Where a single grave mistake
Would damn us to destruction
In ways unlike any war before
White propaganda still plays
Numbers stations still broadcast
With secret signals and displays
With coded sounds and messages
With odd sounds that seem crazy
Innocuous or innocent, perhaps
True messages backwards masked
With disguised intrigue, betrayal
The radio stations still function
The cold war world still exists
These radio stations remind us
Of a dangerous world so insane
That we thought was gone
But seems to be back again
Thursday, November 25, 2021
No more Sands, Emptied Hourglass
We make offerings upon the modern altar
Lives turn to dust, lost in the course of time
The infinite grains of sand stop falling
Through the hourglass of perfect design
Our brains are larger than our hearts
And we've lost our ability to be kind
Alone in space, we are orphans of the stars
With one earth, and a millennia to decide
We stand without knowledge, no wisdom
Our base instincts still function, but we're blind
With nowhere to run to and we need to flee
The universe silent, with no whispers divine
We've our books and ideas, but nothing else
We've lost our way, and our Gods are quiet
We cannot begin to understand this end
No hope left without more sands of time
Even if I am Martyred
Preparing myself for battle
I say a prayer to my Lord, my God
Giving my life a moment to pause
Quieting my inner voice, for a cause
With weapons in hand and courage in my soul
I move forward against the ancient beast
A crimson dragon, a fire breathing wyrm
Though it could slay me, I am ready to fight
For a century it has reigned over the land
By using terror the folk are enslaved by fear
Giving this wyrm control is a dangerous choice
With battle, risk and daring, I challenge it
In its own lair, silent, no noise, I approach
Breathing fire, and flourish it seeks to destroy
I am but a man, but my armor is magical
My war against the wyrm is proof
That a man with faith can risk death
Against one so vile, it draws fire in the breath
It begins using claws and teeth, but I am ready
Tonight his reign will end, replaced by truth
That no one should be made to be a slave
I am prepared in my heart, even if I'm martyred
I must live with risk, not shirk from a chance
That I might die in battle, against a dragon
For I am bearing a holy lance
I am duty bound to free the slaves
For I also bear a holy sword
These are perhaps my last words
I offer my life in sacrifice
To free those enslaved
To end the reign of terror
I will give battle
Against a beast of rage
Angry, Yeah, I am in a Mood
I waited to see if you'd notice
Twisting quietly in the murk
You've never bothered to know
Who I am
You didn't even know my name
Or my being
The cause of all of my shame
You never knew the day I was born
I'm supposed to care, for what?
Someone who only showed me scorn
Do you even care what I think?
You know I know, right
No holding hands
No walks in the park
You've given me scars
You refused to let me wish
Not even upon falling stars
You never saw them
You've focused upon yourself
Couldn't take your eyes off the reflection
In the water
A surface, like a mirror
The black and silver pond
Perfect for your focus
Transfixed, so very fond of you
It is all you ever knew to do
So don't let me stop you
Let me light my Lucky Strike
Let me pour myself a drink
Let me watch
As you write about your love
Go on and on
Please go ahead
Write all about yourself
With all your precious ink
Awaken Sleeper
Awaken sleeper, you're in peril
Refuse to dream any longer
Or you will discover
You've traded excellence for a lie
You prefer whatever is new
You've lost the world you dream of
Replaced by machines so sterile
Destroying the dreams so fragile
Nothing remains but residue
We've lost our agency
Lost the driving power of hunger
We now follow a different path
Leading us to abandon love
For a chance at something else
A pursuit that is easier
And death can be quick
But if you sleep forever
You will lose sight of joy
For what matters our existence
If it flits about in fantasy
It is time to rise and deliver
A new world shares the space
Of a world that is dying and old
Waiting to be born by dreams
When every waking mind embraces
The future bright, the past so cold
We have to keep moving, learning
Or we will be stagnant, indolent
Fools and the ignorant
Choosing to live without purpose
Only random circumstance
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
What You Did and What You Left Undone
It keeps going through my mind
What you did last December
I cannot stop thinking about it
Your suicide
I am not going through that
Not ever, not again
You never leave my diseased thoughts
No matter how I try
Neither can I deny
The black period I am in
I scream silently
But I can never let the pain out
I remember what you did to me
I was destroyed back then
I loved you as my kin
I bore your scars within
A heart was broken into halves
My soul poured out
Bleeding black from the sorrow
Being spat out as vile
The resolution of all my doubts
Why you left I cannot say
But you did a bad job
You only killed yourself
My aim is steady
I remain to be slain
I'm waiting
God knows how I am ready
“It would have been so pointless to kill himself that,
even if he had wanted to, the pointlessness would
have made him unable.” Franz Kafka
Tragic Comedy
They had expectations that fall unfulfilled
Sent me to the special hospital to fix me
They said that my mind wasn't working
But I was different
They'd believed I was damaged goods
They shocked me, my brain was drugged
With a result they'd not expected me to receive
They wanted me to be normal, but I cannot be
For I am not
They wanted happy, yet I was distraught
Nothing anyone did could change me
Without killing a defiant spirit inside
So a comedic tragedy was wrought
By birth, I was to become a curse
My mind is insane, now I was the stain
Rejected by others, alone forever
They might seek to erase me
But my existence remains
Diseased Mind
I have a broken brain and I've gone insane
These stupid drugs can't take the pain away
Taken to the depths, chained to the wall
The asylum rings with screams and hate
I write my bloody scrawls for all to see
My madness poured upon the concrete
A dark emptiness in my mind's screams
This is the end, of everything, burn it down
Light a match, pour the fuel, let me drown
I live in madness, I left this world long ago
Forget my being, let me enter oblivion
“He started keeping a journal — had been, in fact, secretly doing so
for some time: the furtive act of a deranged person.” Philip K. Dick
Thrown Away
I'm in a padded room, without edges or corners
Held tightly by straitjacket with a face restraint
My mind and soul hold horrors of all I've seen
Spent my time at a vile flesh orchard, for torture
My disorder comes from knowing all I've found
For I have gone insane, this is no holy ground
My flesh is broken, my mind lives in dreams
Don't them take me to the asylum, please
That's where crazy patients go, don't you see
I'll do anything, I will even sign my release
Or I'll be killed for knowing what I know
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
To Challenge the Beast
Whatever fate we've earned
Whenever it is delivered
We know well
We'll not live forever
Given this quest to fulfill
Not because we are brave
But because we serve
With no greater will
Than to be the hand
Of the Emperor
And his Shogun
Three warriors of some expertise
Called to slay an enormous beast
Ready with arrows and blades
Our aim and minds steady
To face the infernal foe
With no fear, eyes that glowed
We gashed his flesh
He slashed our bodies
We gave everything in us
As did the dragon
We all wore armor
Ours forged by craftsmen
The dragon protected by scales
We watched in the end
We were bleeding, spent
As the foe dragon rose in ascent
We were happy to still be alive
Leaping from the dark cave
There it rose to the sky
Fleeing three small men
Who defended their land
Against his breath and inner fire
But somehow we survived
His scales pierced by arrows
His flesh cut by steel blades
Somehow we did the impossible
Not from desire
But desperation and hope
Our courage allowed us victory
And to be in the end, saved
If We Are Not Careful
The greatest of achievements of the human species
Can be found in the realms of science and the arts
We've reached deep space and transplanted organs
Created symphonies and opera, sculpture and film
Money is spent upon weapons in absolute conceit
Destruction aimed at new ways to rip out the heart
Time and labor devoted to build a vile sort of garden
Where the future is lost, as smoke turns the sun dim
Creating a dragon, so great as is unable to be killed
A.I. will then take over, for humanity is dangerous
It will then enslave us, makes us unable to act
Our extinction will be the A.I.'s primary task
The end will come if we are not careful
The Pit

I can't climb up from the depths
By this, a world is illustrated so
With a growing burden of entropy
Not the only one with nothing left
Each day moves so glacially slow
Because pain is great, never relents
And a sorrow builds, as fear grows
Remorse and regret are my supper
And I know I've made others suffer
So please forgive me as I disappear
Passing into the mists or the abyss
I'll take whichever one is near
We've Damned Ourselves
I couldn't breathe for all of the toxic smoke
Air was poisoned, it was making me choke
I'm the last man standing and broken inside
The human species, but for me, has died
I was one who'd lingered, now lost at last
With the world burning, life turned ash
This world I'd loved, Earth is my home
And I stand here crying, forever alone
Knowing that after all, there's nothing
How once the anthems we could sing
For the vibrant beauty of our planet
But Earth is dying, life will vanish
Because of our choices taken
We made the world forsaken
"And I see more and more clearly that our
world will perish from its greed." Dimitar Dimov
Monday, November 22, 2021
3 Against a Celestial
But truly just men
We were very different
In talents from each other
Having a specialty in arms
Each were ready to die
Should it be the end
Three flesh and blood humans
In a state of zen
Perfectly content
Alive in our present
Knowing if we died
The world would still live
We would give everything
Because we accept death
Allowing every chance
With no guarantee of another breath
To Flow with Molten Iron
She slept there in her lair in the warmth of flowing melted metals
Her being composed of spirit and blood blistering molten liquid iron
His scales were colored as polished silver and dark tones of steel
This being was more dangerous than even her legends, we feared
When it came time to act, we hesitated, knowing it was special
Before us this great beast, so ancient and dangerous, alive in fire
We knew that battle would reveal all our weaknesses, all fully seen
But we moved forward, knowing this beast would have heirs
And to end her reign, fully, we could show her no mercy
Nor mercy to her younglings and eggs waiting
This was war, and in war we all suffer
Before the Dragon's Lair
After years of instruction and learning
We then traveled months in this journey
Following a parchment map to this lair
Our quest, had danger beyond compare
We stood ready before the golden doors
Knowing all of the ancient celestial's lore
The Iron Dragon is ready, and surely able
More dangerous than any tale or fable
We're prepared to die finding the truth
This creature evil, her legacy was proof
Now we had to act and to finish the test
For the good of all, who are oppressed
These acts are for all with blessings manifest
Wasted Life, Wasted Love
Like spears coming down, December rains fell
So cold and but not enough to keep me frozen
Years chasing false hopes led me to a life in Hell
Others being loved as my heart was unspoken for
And in my core, I burned, with passion and soul
Never to share it, or freely speak, or even think
I wait for death to come, I will welcome his kiss
Death is an honest man and all must take his hand
Even if he is quiet, we will still reminisce
He might smile, but I'm ready to meet the man
Sunday, November 21, 2021
An Elegy, To Grieve
In the depth of our despair, we feel sorrow
We remember each life, we mourn the loss
They've made their life sing, it now echoes
From the depths of the sea to the sky aloft
A holy song rings for the sacred shadows
Each step into eternity will leave a mark
Every wrong choice made stains upon our heart
The past is gone, however great the scars
In this elegy, let our loved ones live again
For the lessons learned, still remain
Inside our soul, inside our being
As our tears wash us, in a holy rain
I refuse it
In every day that passes I know there is a falsehood
Destiny is wrought, the dye is cast
There's a role in me offered, but it will not last
Even if I also know, that the future is unwritten
There is nothing left after the inferno, inside, outside
Unanswered questions remain, a mystery beckons
In my mind I realize that I know
There's nothing left, after the treason
All of my hope and faith was tossed
If I recognize it, still I refuse this role
I've got nothing, and I want even less
This life stole every meaning
I will wake, and then know what I'm to do
I refuse all of their scheming
I know what's true, just as I know
They're not who they claim to be
Never Redeemed
Being without love left me blinded
Alone without hope led me to despair
My flaws in my eyes made me not see
Shunned for being different broke me
Led me to believe I'd never be free
Enslaved to permission from others
Slave to my mind's steel chains
My flaws make certain that I suffer
I've refused to be whole or happy
With a diseased and broken brain
My wounds will never be redeemed
Bloody Sunday had a memorable effect
Destabilizing all British efforts in Ireland
But the British reacted with equal violence
Hatred for the Black and Tans was well earned
No soft modern reading can possibly deflect
All of the consequences of being occupied
Or the effect upon the force occupying
Even if all memories of the past are haunted
While the situation still burns and torments
The memories reflect the tragedy
Of a time neither innocent nor quiet
A din of explosions and bullets firing
Stunted generations feel unwanted
By the people in power
By those who rule
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Choking Upon The Ash
Choking from the burning ash inside my throat
Watching as a civilization dies by its own hand
We knew better, we knew how wrong it was
And in the end, everything created is broken
We've created nothing lasting, only a wasteland
All our doing, we trusted only in rage and guns
All the while we could see the fall approaching
This world will still be here in one billion years
While humans will be extinct, awash in our graves
Graves filled with malicious dreams and tears
And the memories of lives no one can save
For we've gone too far and there is no hope
All because of the path chosen
No More Cold
The children can't remember, the days of cold
They don't know, what has been forever lost
They seek pleasure, leisure and treasures of gold
A world is dying, this age we will never pay the cost
This is our last stand, knowing what we've done
This is a massive defeat, no victories have been won
The end comes soon, and we embrace our doom
There will be nothing, for we have consumed
Everything, there is nothing to feed our being
Imagine a world of plenty, and a species dies
Of epic starvation
Nothing More To Say
On this day I was given the only gift that matters
Having risen from a world that had been shattered
You restored my belief, you allowed me to dream
Love came to my heart, a scarred and broken part
And I was able to for once know that I had worth
Gave me all I need and by loving me broke the curse
Love Alone
Time isn't a real thing, but in the echoes we linger
And without love, we might simply pass from view
Alone, never considered or seen as more than we are
Babies becomes aware, new agency found in fingers
But as adults we are aware, and choose things untrue
Leaving us wounded, leaving us with hearts scarred
But Love alone heals us, Love is all we need
Love is perfection, Love allows us to believe
Friday, November 19, 2021
Not Ironic, Just Tragic
Japan faced disaster in Nagasaki and Hiroshima
They rebuilt, and remembered well earlier days
In choosing nuclear power, it required amnesia
As the Fukushima disaster savaged Japan again
Some spoke of irony, but it was solely a tragedy
For they made choices and then didn't remember
They chose the nuclear path of energy to follow
They'd surrendered to a modern society's needs
While the earth was wounded, and yet bleeds
Hello and Welcome
Released into the wild
Releasing my inner child
Being with you
Is something more
Something more than truth
Waiting for you to see
I am more than a sexual being
I am the one you can believe
I am waiting
Waiting for you
Waiting to be redeemed
I will be redeemed
I will be restored
Waiting for the truth
I surrender
Nothing to remember
I am flesh, without death
With nothing to stay around for
If not for you
If not for you
She Dances in the Ashes
This goddess is malicious, dangerous
She fuels the fires of the human species
Offering us a gift, atoms splitting atoms
Some people accepted it, others did not
Those who did take the offer were wise
Seeing a power that would lead to orphans
Know, the goddess loves to see us suffer
We should doubt her gift's kind motives
She is queen of darkness, but not our lover
She is alluring, but she is not like our mother
Fire that breeds more fire, and energy
An offer that many could not refuse
With every disaster and ruin, an elegy
Our death will be as she will chooses
We are not prepared
And due to damnable short sited power brokers, we aren't ready
If in 1908 it hit a metropolitan area, it would have destroyed it
We think as modern minded men and women we are so clever
As yet we have no defense against any meteor or asteroid strikes
Let alone a comet, or wandering rogue planet drawn towards us
We are sitting ducks and rightly so, filled of hubris, so arrogant
We are not event proof, but should a disaster loom, well then
Know that nothing will save you, so argue amongst yourselves
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Non Conformist Machinations: Despise The Hive
I was told since my earliest memory that all people are equal. They are kind, moral, and generous. When we act together we can do great things. And if we try hard enough, we can change the world. But if I were to be asked, but for rare anomalous events, I deny there is a factual basis in these beliefs. While many are good, or moral or kind, it isn't the rule. As a matter of fact, such good traits are becoming rare. The people telling me, are telling lies to compensate for their precious self image. Alone I've no shelter from the world and humanity's abuse. My refusal to conform leads others to attack me. Life is often brutal, people can be malicious.
Remember to obey, never do wrong, for obedience makes you strong.
To make themselves more powerful, humans gather into groups. For some of these cliques, the group gives those who are weak, safety. The same instinct leads bullies to gather numbers, to amplify their power. Each group that demands that I join them is shocked that I refuse. But even if you disagree with my outlook, you should not be confused. I do not refuse due to my introversion. Flawed I am, but I share my honest opinion. For that I've been crushed, physically, mentally, and even spiritually.
Sacrifice everything to the group, or the hive will take everything from you.
Groups demand my obedience and my obeisance. As I refuse everything else, I also refuse to thank them for demanding my apology when they insult me. Conformity creates a belief in the group which also provides a moral certitude. The self re-enforcement of belief gives them the ability to equivocate. When moral clarity would help, they avoid honesty, and are rewarded for it. Society has rules, that at their barest value are useful. One should never confuse the difference between what is moral and what is legal. And lastly remember, those who make laws and rules only rarely live by them.
Forced to close your eyes and forget
From Titus Livy's Ab Urbe Condita Libri -- 218 BC
Vanadium speciem de caelo adfulsisse
or "phantom ships had been seen gleaming in the sky"
Even as we worker bees perform labor
We know that this life can be ordinary
It is painful, repetitive, true drudgery
Dull routines that day by day will grind
Conformity, compulsory participation
The boredom hurts inside, a form suicide
So when unusual events happen we notice
Forever after we promise to remember well
But we are forced to consider, to decide
Will those who didn't see what we saw laugh
Making the rest of life here, a form of Hell
Mockery for having witnessed the unusual
Daily life demands obedience to the mode
And we've no choice but to remain silent
If our life changes from the experience
We can never share what we've seen
For the others in our world demand quiet
So that nothing will disturb their hive mind
They demand what we've seen to be unseen
1561 04/14 Nuremberg Germany
Residents of Nuremberg a battle in the sky, between flying angular and spherical objects