Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Goal in the Distance

We'd ridden through weather
That would crush a spirit inside
We'd ridden through an enemy
Who were tasked to deny
Still we found our objective
As our force kept moving
Moving forward for months
Endlessly it seemed, we would ride
And now we could stop and see
The objective stood before us
And we'd have to decide
How much energy was left
To decide the matter
Should we continue
Stealing a day upon the foe
Perhaps bring surprise
Or should we rest
Attacking at the morning's rise
Making certain we were ready
For a duty none desired
But if battle is given
It is not our choice
But inside our beings
Is a burning fire
Whatever path we follow
We still move on
For our task can be seen
In the mist shrouded sky
In a glorious white covered horizon