Sunday, November 7, 2021

Decay, Entropy, Solipsism

The invasion happened quietly, without notice, secretly
The people never realized the reality they'd now face
An enemy, able to freely move, to act, about to strike
A Sword of Damocles hung, hovering above the land
But the nation's people fought over riches, greedily
As her leaders debated, argued in abject disgrace
And the enemy gathered strength, attacking at night
Defenders of the nation were confused, had no plan
With no defense, no one had been prepared
And the normal reaction might be despair
But it became clear, no one in the country cared
Leaders abdicated, while the people saw no profit
Believing surrender meant damage would be slight
The people were ignorant in their foolish beliefs
That their way of life would be remain unharmed
They'd never considered if the peace treaty was fair
And it surely was not but to them ignorance was bliss
And the highest calling to them was happiness
No one could be as ignorant or as gullible
Than the people of this country and their leaders
The fools who debated pointless points endlessly
Who refused to bail water as the ship was sinking
Every debate marked with selfishness and greed
Every belief from solipsism to that of nihilism
And the nation went from decay to deceased
For the death knell of all governance
Is found in entropy and apathy