Sunday, November 14, 2021

Aware of the Plan

As the mist begins to lift
The ancient ridge revealed
The spectacular scene
The beauty of creation
A miracle exposed
An Heaven to earth bridge
Seeming to be so serene
More beautiful than any rose
Whatever happens I know
In any moment experienced
I've become aware
That it was created
By one creator's hand
This set of mountains
Each spectacular ridge
Whether flesh or rock,
Or great whale or land
Has purpose, design
It can be easily perceived
One might find perfection
So awashed in idolatry
Where it is the created
Rather than the creator
Perceived and believed
To be the highest of all things
So grateful to see the works
Of that magnificent hand
For in it I can taste and see
The vastness of existence
The exquisite truth
And miraculous nature
Of the design and the plan