Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Decay And Rot

The bitterness exists
Burning like fire
Should we be honest
We'd confess our flaw
Of the pain within
A rot grows inside
Found in our spirit
As if a disease
Growing worse in time
You may desire
Even long for
But never know
And sorrow the absence
Never having enough
For love is a fire
And until you live it
You'll never feel whole
And until you forgive him
You cannot move on
There is a paralysis
Unable to move
Unable to grow
Until you do
Decay rots you
From the inside
Polluting your core
Polluting your mind
Rot and decay are poison
A flesh failing
Outside of the truth
There is nothing to do
Once the rot sets in
Like a deep seated sin
Unless you surrender
And grow within
And speak to yourself
Saying to yourself
I forgive