Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Praise For Poland

The present of Europe is of a different set of dreams
Of a globalism with a Russian return to nationalism
What are the costs of the end of a Cold War, if lost
Over time Poles have saved Europe
Again and again
Paying for heroism with loss of their land
Their blood forgotten
At the gates of Vienna
Their blood shed
In the front line fighting a Teutonic order
They'd paid for their role
When the Mongols invaded, and wars won
If Vienna had fallen
Or the Order succeeded
Or if Solidarity had not begun
The face of the world would be far different
Perhaps Communist or Racist, or Nationalist
Not the present Europe no
It wouldn't be a place you can know
Perhaps so different as to be unrecognized
The Poles should be praised
They were honorable and rode to the moment
Saving the day repeatedly, charging
With wings upon their back and swords raised