Monday, July 5, 2021

The Flesh Continues but only for a moment

I often give in to despair, pain and doubt
I surrender all of my well being and hope
For the fears over the things I care about
I have no power to save them, I can't cope
But I offer this and it gives me joy
There is a path forward
There is a way out
Living every moment
Living for the best of reasons
Give eternity consideration
Enjoy the spark of your being
I offer nothing that can't be found
It exists there, just outside of reach
But you can find it, you can
And after we've died
With a shout we will return
You may have surrendered as well
It is not a crime
But I want you to know
The pains that burn
The worries that continue
They will pass
You will be renewed
Cling to hope
Hold tight to truth
Abandon despair
Trust in eternity
Discover it
For it is there