During an incident in Kentucky, an oddly white object
Hovered in the sky unmoving, aloft just out of reach
It appeared on the horizon for an odd amount of time
The Kentucky Air National Guard sent aircraft aloft
Four US P-51s responded, to defend against attack
And to investigate an anomaly, to ask what this was
One plane was short of fuel and had to turn back
The other three continued
Some say Captain Mantell described the object
As"looks metallic and of tremendous size"
Eventually finding the object out of reach
The pilots questioned further ascent
The altitude so high, pilots would need oxygen
Mantell was seemingly compelled to find out
And he kept moving higher
But blacking out, and then crashed to the ground
The information regarding the event is uneven
From a distance it is hard to tell what happened
No one aware of the event ever actually knew
It might be that the pilot saw a celestial object
Some say a secret balloon, used for surveillance
But we must dare not say it was a UFO
We are told that they can't exist
Certainly not hovering above our cities
Or our military installations
Appearing so soon after
Our use of nuclear weapons