Saturday, July 10, 2021

In the rubble of battle

It is easy to understand
How the present world
Views crisis and disaster
We've had peace for so long
Our system feels permanent
But in times of the recent past
Battles were unimaginably fierce
They'd challenge any thinker
To imagine tomorrow
Let alone a future
As anything but bleak
Or just as deadly
Context is necessary
But it comes at a price
We desire to know the answers
And we must accept the sacrifice
For it removes our petty ignorance
Give us back context and truth
For we if refuse to learn
From the pain of years before
The present seem easy
Makes us feel empty
Compared to years of war
With violence and valor
For this world was savage
We still have that potential
To go from peace to butchery
In the blink of one's eye
If we lose sight of context
And how fortunate we are
To live when we do