Saturday, October 9, 2021

They Watch From A Place Far Away

There is a mindset, that humans arrive upon
Rightly or wrongly
We view advancement and great events
As defined by great technology
Inventions, innovations, all things we build
Clockwork and machines
All newly exist to amaze
They define humanity's achievements
Our creations, our dreams
A line upon which men must cross
To be seen as great
Worth exist regardless
It is not something given
It has no need for context
It comes from within, and is right
The shallow appreciation
Found only in eyes of others
Leads us to aspire
To wealth and luxury
There are those beings
Who watch, from far away
Beings that humans consider
To be others, and less than themselves
Strangers, dangerous perhaps
Living upon the fringe of our awareness
Hiding and playing in the greenery
Finding joy in any far away place
They often dance but not here
Certainly not now
Not in this circumstance
As they see the human machines
The engines and as they hear the roar
Coming from a dragon made of steel
With hot steam breath, not a being of flesh
It shakes them to the beautiful core
For they recognize the danger
However much men feel their pride
The faeries see it all as a form killing
And since we are all children from the earth
It is a form of strange suicide
For it takes trees to be cut to make a path
Mountains destroyed for the rails to follow
Once the earth has been fully tamed,
Life itself will feel hollow
And nothing will feel worthy
Of greatness
Other than the vast and deep horror
Over the destruction of the planet
The only one we call home