Tuesday, October 12, 2021

In the Darkness, They are Light

It was my opinion at the time that my life was done.
I was tired of it all and I no longer cared. Life had
grown empty, painful and flawed. Why start over,
or even finish what was begun?

I traveled to the center of a nearby forest. I had to
find a way to find peace, to go on a retreat. Upon
the first evening, as I faded off to sleep. I heard
only the rustling tree limbs.

Various animals hunted, various prey fled.
Raccoons played and moose walked.

And in wonder and awe, I saw the light
I saw them dance, lights moved in a flow
As the faeries shone the brilliance echoed
In that forest all was lit, now easily seen
The joy was visible, bright

Distant stars and Northern lights can't compare
In the past humans told stories about them
But reading those stories, they didn't know
That night didn't make me frightened
I only felt awe
I had a grand epiphany

As I saw the glow, I saw
Knew it was them I knew laying still
That after so many years somber
Still in movement cold to the touch
I was finally alive, again
Remembering youth

How else could I have been witness
This is an experience I can't share
I'll be laughed at, should I try to explain
Even if I say nothing
I have to hold on to the experience
And the meaning of that

I'll try to see in this great event
The hand of the creator, the almighty
I have only my experience as proof

So I'll keep it in, in my heart
Trusting what I experienced
Was given as a gift to me
Over my human mind attempts
To minimize wonder
Or to define the truth