Friday, October 8, 2021

The Great

Prior to taking his elite army into Asia
Alexander the Great was contemplative
Usually accompanied by the king's guard
Also known as the Companion cavalry
But there, alone, giving prayer to Ares
Praying that Athena might give wisdom
In prayer to his father, now but a holy shadow
That in the coming battle, he'd fight gallantly
Many over time have given Alexander credit
For his magnificence in war and foresight
He truly loved his army, and used them well
But what was truly great about the warrior
Who invaded the rest of the known world
With an army that had no equal
How would history consider his legacy
As either a hero or military dictator
One way or another being either meant
He'd be remembered in history
Hungry for glory,  Hungry for victory
But he cared for more than killing
He saw himself as ambassador
Of Greek excellence and culture
Sooner or later he had to stop
Both the desire to win
And that his troops were tired
He had to return to his throne
With his loyal Macedonians
If not, he might be assassinated
Or reign over an army of killers
Who refused orders, in mutiny
They conquered nearly a world
And the memory of Alexander?
He is well remembered
But few realize what he did
He killed  and claimed lands
He built an empire, washed his hands
He was ready to rule, but would die
And all he and his troops had fought for
Would collapse in disorder
Without Alexander