Monday, May 17, 2021

Venus Grieves

So if you have the world figured out
Did you ever realize that Venus was sad
Her body perfect, her face was beautiful
Lust born in the moment she was seen
But her life was torment, always so sad
She was filled with doubt
Never wanting the gifts she had
They never asked her thoughts
No one allowed her to have feelings
As all her prospective potential lovers
Declared her a prize of a battle
The reward of a wars now fought
She knew they were looking at her flesh
Rather than measuring her being's worth
A Goddess of love, unrequited
Wanting now to reject the touch
She was not allowed true love
For when men see great beauty
They see a prize, in their eyes
A conquest, a false dream
We only trust in lust, not our belief
And Her great beauty meant
She'd never be perceived
As she alone saw herself
So haunting to be left grieving
Never wanted for who she was
And who she would be