Wednesday, January 5, 2022

We Must Rise Above

In 2020 the world faced Covid, riots and quarantine
This is not new, change and catastrophe are constant
Science created and dropped nuclear bombs on Japan
It also allowed humans to escape, for a time, the earth
Apollo landed two men upon the moon and returned
With each event or catastrophe, life thereafter changed
But what if earth's destiny is not to be forever green
Kill our planet, children's blood will be on our hands
Many of us love material wealth, and making demands
We are culpable fools who stumble as rain forests burn
Our leaders bicker over words in foolish, insane rage
Lies vomited forth, and we can't divine the meaning
Our species must find a way to continue survive
Not simply to endure but find in us a way to thrive
We ought not allow leaders to invite global suicide
We are faced with odds that should drive us to act
Saving the future for all of our children a noble task
Some of us prefer to fail, some wish to invite fate
But we need to rise above the pettiness and futility
By choosing leaders who believe in a good future
And thereafter we must create a global plan
Save us from our own worst choices and actions
We must find a way to save us from ourselves
For our children, if nobody else

James 1:27, NIV: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless
is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from
being polluted by the world."