Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Future Isn't So Great

We've reached a place in time of a global world
We live in manner of a once dreamed future
But our culture tries to cancel one's career
While judging one's foolish youthful acts
At times mistaking bad choices for evil ones
Our current social existence leads to deletion
The new cost of friendship comes with fear
Going deaf from our echo chamber voices
Our technological existence refutes reason
Modernity and the future were a promise
A future world that imagined never arrived
In ways our imagination led to treason
Plastic surgery for an appearance of Adonis
Modernity offers choices, all lead to Hell
With surgery edited flesh beauty derived
For now we've no love for each other
And far less for our vile self

“The future is there... looking back at us. Trying to
make sense of the fiction we will have become.”
                                          William Gibson