Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Important Thing

We die, as life goes on, but still the planet turns, it turns. Every moment that we live offers an opportunity for each of us to learn.  But if life is joyous, is death bad? Every death offers hope, even if it is a time of loss. Memories of a life can be saved in memoirs, and image. Organs shared with those in need give new life. As we pass from the Earth we should try to find joy, for life offers only birth and death, and not much in between.  Mark those occasions well.

We can change the world, and can only do so, if all of us rise as one. We must see after our own, and also the orphans, the outcast, the lost, and the hopeless.  We must give hope, where there is no hope.  We must love, where there is no love. We must try, again and again to love one another, or we will pour gasoline upon the pyre, and our world will burn.  Find hope, give love, and try.  Every life has worth.

As our time upon the planet is done, and every voice is gone, we need to see it as a moment deserving recognition, a time to recount prized memories. We are not coming back.  No one cloaked in flesh has ever returned. We live, that is our truth without the promise of anything. There is no guarantee of fulfilled dreams. Watch as the planet spins, spins.  If you feel forsaken? Find a way to be forgiven.  Are you lost?  Be found. Set your banner upon holy ground. And love one another.