Saturday, January 1, 2022


They'd look away, if they could
A body nailed to crossed wood
With a temptation inside of us
To look away and ignore his pain
With no sympathy towards others
No empathy for the other being
We should feel true shame
Not from any religious view
We should sorrow every single time
Another goes through life wounded
Stomachs should churn, in sorrow
For the pain and violation
Done to someone, anyone
Scorn should erupt within us
For our anger at the outrage
If the world is awakened
To actually feel its senses
We should begin feeling
If the story told is true
We did not deserve the act
Of the perfect sacrifice
Our horror should grow
The outrage burn
Over the shedding of blood
Innocent, perfect
We might never understand
There is often no reason
But I am sure there was a plan
He was chosen, and we know his name
I am certain we'd be the cause
If he came back today
He'd be crucified again
If he were to return