Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The New Shore

Our home world has suffered and will die soon
For all of our pollution, crime, wars, inhumanity
Earth has been grievously wounded by our acts
We should not wonder why it is doomed
For our ignorant choices, we'll never atone
We must start over elsewhere, on a new world
For now we've given our scientists the task
Finding a way to travel into space, we'll go
Across unknown stars and galaxies, roam
If we're not successful we'll fade from view
Despite potential of the young, they will be the last
For this generation exploration is not the goal
We must find a new home, we must renew
Or every memory and accomplishment will fade
We'll die painfully, our species extinct, enter decay
We must flee into the deepest space
Where life can start over, and our species may live
Again but we must begin anew

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the
courage to lose sight of the shore."  Andre Gide