Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Resisting the Black Crooked Cross

When the knights of the Black Crooked Cross
Invaded the land of forged steel, the Red Star
Experiencing great gains across the lands
The leaders of the Black Cross thought they'd won
With the city named for Lenin surrounded in siege
Taking a port upon the Black Sea, a vital naval base
Taking a city named for Joseph Stalin in a drive
Victory did indeed seem inevitable
But in any war, defeat can turn victory
Each defeat comes with death and suffering
But the cost of victory might be immense
Unable to replace their losses, a victory is lost
Even if bruised and bleeding, survivors remember
Rising from catastrophe, strengthened in resolve
They remained to bite the exposed back of the foe
Remnants of disaster became celebrated defenders
As winter returned, in fear and despair, victors fled
Waves of resistance triggered a victory moment
The people of the Red Star were energized
A tragic two years having been endured
The phase ending in a sacred December
Never going back to the role of defense
Never relinquishing their fight
Never relinquishing their land again