Monday, December 27, 2021

False Messiahs and Rules for Others

As you cower from the words
As you think yourself so righteous
Oh so very pious
With complete attention
To living a life
One filled with rules
To be obeyed
By you and the others
Who never share power
Yet remain ignorant
And never curious
Becoming fools
Living in a Hell
That of your own design
You've become the King of Lies
The False Messiah
In a time of catastrophe
Think it's paradise
How about the truth
This is torture
For everyone but you
Think you've risen above
The less fortunate
The poor, widows, and orphans
And in your twisted view
Their lives are fit
Only to be worker bees
Unfit for real love, for truth
Fit only to earn you your fortune
Build your palace and fade away
After establishing your empire
Built by slaves
Upon a foundation of hate