Wednesday, December 22, 2021


Spending his time shooting up
Riding a horse that wasn't real
Deeper into his soul he stuffed
Every fear, oh how surreal
Given that cold needle
Finding that thick vein
He tied it off, with a twist
Then took the needle
And stuck it in
He becomes numb
Riding the horse
Until he woke
In a cold sweat
Soon vomiting
Needing another fix
And like everything else
His entire life
Was lived in vain
In the dark backstreet alley
When he rode the beast
He dreamed of great things
That he'd never be tamed
And he'd be loved and celebrated
Dreamed someday
He would find love
And more than a taste
If he had ever become a king
It would be a king of nothing
His youth was wasted
Emptied like death valley
Still he had dreams
That were dreams lost
Burned into ash
Pissed away
Into the garbage tossed
And nothing would last
Like every single thing
He never became anything
What he'd become
Was nothing
And unworthy
Of his dreams