Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Madness and Demons the price of Genius

For every talent given, there comes a demon
Whether with addictive drugs, alcohol or lust
If you are blessed, without a choice, afflicted
Thereafter imprisoned, losing freedom, hope
Whatever you try, no one can give you trust
In the end, if you're driven mad, or addicted
You've nothing to replace what you've lost
While genius is extreme, you've paid a cost
Madness is just one toll you've had to pay
Your life is remembered, but in present days
With sad facts, accidents and happenstance
Death waits to steal your life from the timeline
Death is a bastard, he has no eye for any talent
He takes whoever he can with a final kiss
Then take his ugly bones back to the abyss
And there he begins to wait all over again

no copyright asserted, fair use only