Thursday, March 18, 2021

A single shining bullet

The famous single shining bullet
Represents the sterling silver lie
Magic answer to a required question
An assassin masquerade at a dance
Waiting in Dallas was the CIA
Oswald set up to be the fall guy
The tin man was wooden
The scarecrow had no courage
The world is a chessboard
But every piece we get is a simple pawn
As the nation was damned
And we survived
But we must go back to start
The coup create a dystopia
Our fears realized
Did they lead to the end
Of our day upon the world stage
We've had a false government
Gunmen disguised as tramps
And violence seems to pay
JFK could not escape the fix
His assassin was then killed
To hide the trail
Of who would benefit
Without a pristine confession
We've been told to believe
But it is a lie of deception
We cannot receive satisfaction
For we know the answer is false
We need a great dispensation of grace
For the quest beast we now chase
To know the truth, or to find the facts
To reveal the treachery or mask
Behind the bullet and its creation