Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Empire Would Eventually Fall

It was there I'd dreamed
Amidst a network of trade
Carved from antiquity
Ivory, silk, gold and silver
Here the Empire ranked first
It had reached from Rome
To exotic and distant China
It was a span that was vast
The empire frontiers held
The wars fought desperately
Against the Barbarians
Their numbers growing
The final die was cast
The nomad raiders attacked
A black flag finally unfurled
But I live in the future
In an ever changing world
Without memory of the past
My world stopped turning
Seconds move far too fast
Passing so quickly
I can never sleep
Lost all I longed to keep
But Mother Rome had nurtured
The rest of the world, her children
We in the Legion were the cubs
Suckling upon Mother Rome
My life in service near an end
A warrior is the lowest caste
In modernity's massive machinery
I have no place of safety
Only to flee
In the mindscape, the final escape
Where I can still serve Caesar