Saturday, April 3, 2021


Had an Austrian royal vehicle not taken a wrong path
Had the Japanese fought the Russians but not Americans
If McClellan chose to fight, instead of march and parade
Modernity would be different, perhaps with less bloodbath
A world constructed of new choices, with different prizes
Diplomacy might work, and become less of a masquerade
Surely the world would have still spun quickly upon axis
And the Czar would've done just as poorly had he endured
Perhaps the mob hadn't helped the Kennedy's win in 1960
Then Nixon wouldn't have felt the need to be so paranoid
Whatever we didn't do but should have, for good reason
Whatever choice was not taken with disaster avoided
We are who we are for a vast numbers of the what if
What might have ever been possible is now obscured
Asking why becomes a question that is loaded or worse
Decisions made at the time might have been wrong
But turned out better, with circumstance and chance
It could happen that all choices making correct decisions
Might actually be betrayed,  somehow in every outcome
For a single unit, fighting to the last or being out of place
Saving the day, holding up, fighting to save the others
We can't change our past, but we can move forward
Know that History is immutable but the future is not
Only to realize had the Germans not paid for train ticket
Lenin would not have been in Russia to lead the revolution
And the entire century of Hitler and Stalin would change