Thursday, April 15, 2021

Left in the Cold

Long ago we read books
Attended worship services
Tried to do good
Our ancestors paid for a future
Much better than this one
By the time our children read this
They'll understand the message
Rather than slay the messenger
Or destroy the message sent
Modernity veers into the abyss
Battles by cross and crescent
Vile impulse disguised metaphors
All of our holy urges are bent
By the limits of our final goals
We've been lied to, fed hate
This world hungers for us
Eats souls as hope decays,
The ruling tyrannies dominate
Every high dream destroyed
And by the time finally
When the Holy one arrives
We won't be able to avoid
Anything but final sanction
So we pray and perhaps beg
To avoid our well earned fate
And hope
This character trait of mercy
Is one we might trust