Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Phone nonsense

You didn't answer when I called
I knew that you were there
Not answering, being in a mood
I tried to reach out then to say
I love you, will never give in
I had set myself up for a fall
Didn't ever want anything dirty
Criminal charges for being lewd
Didn't want to inspire you to say
Goodbye to you forever
Or even go get screwed
I wait for the end to arrive
The pain of life reminds me
That I'm alive
But you go on, just know I care
So take the way out, find the door
Never pay me attention
That's not my point
There are other dimensions
I need to fully explore
Maybe I'll find you there
If I'm able, if you'd ever dare
Every existence has a cost
My love nor life won't be lost
On a situation that isn't fair