Friday, April 30, 2021

Love is throwing off the chains

After throwing off the chains
Of a society that demands
The sort of family
Or relationships we are allowed
So now when we are told
We can love anyone
No longer who to love
Nor how to love
Why to love
Or in what form
Or date on the package
We resist because now know
Love redeems
It is organic
It isn't based on logic
It happens when followed
By an acquiesance to facts
Our soul needs to completion
By one that is not ourselves
Love comes with an act
From inside not on command
And now
We can see the arrogance
Of someone demanding rights
Imposing their own choices
Allowing only the designs or ideals
They hold true
We will see the ignorance
When people say
Love is the most important thing
Then declare certain matches to be wrong
To assert if two souls find each other
To somehow be a function of abuse
Rather than love
If not composed in their ideal
It is not enough to say words
Love is love, and everyone needs love
So whatever the match
Whatever the season of life
Upon which horse they ride
Whatever the gender
Whatever the need inside
Adults can choose
Whoever they are moved by