Sunday, April 4, 2021

My views are often wrong, but I doubt that this time

I was asked recently if I thought humans were a sum total benefit life form to the earth. I'm a member of the species, I am thus inclined or biased to see the good we do over that of the bad.  And still, we are not a benefit. To make it all worse, we make life more difficult if not totally impossible for the majority of species also living upon the planet.

I look at the rhino and elephant, the giraffe or the big cats, and I shake my head. We couldn't have done a worse job had we planned it.  Had we thought for one moment we could've done better.   We were confused, and then we morally refused. 

In the end, every form of life will be dead. Maybe that is fate, but just to say this, if allowed, I'd trust fate rather than we humans.  For everything we touch, ends up being damned.

Consider helping through the World Wildlife Fund