Saturday, February 13, 2021

One Bullet, One Life

If you ask yourself what's important
It's almost certainly not your life
If you answer your own question
The answer will say survive
But that is not the truth
Life offers too many struggles
We can barely expect to be happy
If we somehow are so
We barely understand how we got there
And have no way to really know
What is there to make it real
There is nothing nothing at all
We can do
But search for meaning
And a purpose
Rather than escape the burden
Or find a destiny
Or preserve future legacies
There is no meaning unless we act
There is only desperate fear
Starving for love that we lack
If we find no meaning
This pain will have gone on for nothing
Year after year, tear after tear
You must find a way to endure
Or find a way instead to escape
But what is the point
Dying is easy
Living is hard
Dying is quick
Life leaves scars
Unless you learn
Nothing happens without a reason
And taking your gift of life
Is a form of treason
One bullet is a small thing
But it can steal the hope
And give a final resolution
One that ends your choices
One that ends the chances
There is more than you are seeing
If you learn your purpose
Celebrate the pain
For it is a moment
And you know there is so much more
So much good is waiting for your being

“But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.”  Albert Camus