Saturday, February 6, 2021

Destiny Chose Me to Serve Her

I've fought many battles, it shows upon my armor
She has called me her Knight of the Black Rose
Fighting for lost causes, and also for her honor
To bear her banner moves me, brings me to throes
She could have been the betrothed of better men
But it was not them that in the end she chose
My steel is polished, but still I see there's rust
I bear her banner with pride, as well my ardor
I will find joy if I die by her side, in duel or battle
Not my moment to know, it is hers, as is my trust
Not for the knight who serves to feign he knows
I wait for her call, at her beckon, and her hand
This is her honor I fight for, and her sacred land
I have dedicated every breath, my whole life
I live for her, I will bleed for her, or fall
For her I act, whatever her command
I'll perform any task, for her I will die