Sunday, November 1, 2020

We Are The Clever Children of Prometheus

If humanity is a collective, we've risen together
Placed upon this planet, we thrived and achieved
We escaped the limits of gravity, we sought to fly
Penetrating the dark of the utter vastness of space
Oh how we've left our world, the Garden of Eden
We've plumbed the depths of the deepest of oceans
We've tamed this blue world, and at great cost
So now we desire to move into the greater galaxy
Watch us, proudly as we reach further
Not content with earth bound achievements
Whether from a peak of the highest mountain
To mining the desolate earth neighbor, the moon
We want more
Not just our earth
Not just our moon
We seek more life
We seek more worlds
We want the entire universe
We've built modern cities and built structures
By our hand we've modified an entire planet
We've done amazing things
The moment of destiny however
Happened when we took upon us a gift
The gift given by Prometheus
That of fire, although the gods warned us
He'd been punished for it
And we've not be wise in use
We've discovered how to harness the atom
The greatest mystery, our destiny
To take from the smallest known thing
And use it to create a fire, and power
That might well call into being
The final human hour
If we do not change our hunger
We will drive this magnificent planet
And all the life found here
Into extinction and decay