Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Complicated But True

My mind will never relent
As I dive into dream's gray lands
I await my time to enter
But until I do I will fade
My memories decay and reside
Remembering the good and bad
Remembering the impact inside
I have bled there with my loss
Born the burden of the beast
I've struggled to see the truth
But clung to all that I knew
Life is given in two forms
Famine and feast
From greatest to least
We have no choice but to exist
Without aim to resist
Persevere and persist
I've no choice but to live
To love and let go
To forgive
And to find hope
For without it
We are a hollow being
And the ring of that bell
That calls us back
Will be worth seeing
With a shout
With a call
We will be whole again
And I sing
For the memories
For the time I can't get back
It still lives in me
In a place I can't reach
It exists but someday like me
Will be redeemed
With every memory
For my life has worth
And I will hold to it
Whatever the cost
Whatever I pay
For hope is worth having
To the end of our final day