Monday, November 9, 2020

Atomic Clocks

Modernity is a mirage
In the distance
As a future hesitates
Then never arrives
We watch torrents of seconds
Of minutes and hours
Flowing like a river
As millennia have passed
The ruination never stops
For we have no power
Over a constant degradation
They said it never lasts
Constant as atomic clocks
Fear leads to a castration
You must never give in
You want to give to others
But haven't enough for yourself
And they'll take everything
All you are prepared to share
And more
Know that the thieves of your time
Of your body, of your possesions
They never worry
That you've been left enough
To survive
They simply don't care
Time is fleeting
And they are empty inside

“The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness. And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream.”  Khalil Gibran