Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The 50s Captured On Film

As lives happened in black and white, spitting was a crime
People had a need to live in conformity to beliefs of the day
It was an era of excitement, optimism and defiance of time
Seeing themselves as a first generation to live without a rage
They had forgot the era before their own, settled with war
They couldn't be blamed for having hope or wanting more
The nuclear age fully began, the wars of humanity returned
A brief moment passed, there wasn't one moment to linger
It was lifted upon a bonfire of cultural hubris and burned
But these human lives were not perfect, they never were
As the life we believe that we'd lived, now seemed a lie
In black and white, sepia tone or full color, and glossy
We are prone to believe in hope, when no hope is there
So how did we ever reach this place, why do we care
For every generation has its hubris, we should not dare
To imagine that our future path shouldn't be this way
To remember the past as a road to a very different place