Monday, September 5, 2022

Not Lost In Space, Searching

Laying in a hibernation womb, in mother's chamber for sleep
All of us were chosen for our mind and ability to deep dream
Beautiful as steel creations go, she was pristine, just launched
Her technology was the most recent generation and huge cost
We'd sleep for years in hyperspace, so quiet it'd seemed a tomb
Earth had collapsed, wars, famines, toxic waste were our doom
Deep space travel was necessary now, humanity lost her home
Searching for a new earth, wanting to settle, not simply roam
We lost our need to gather treasure, to acquire needless things
In sleep chambers, we didn't even notice the hyperspace leap
Passing through nebula, solar systems, we're forced to search
While we slept computers guided the ship, utilizing research
Computers tried finding potential systems we could thrive in
Sleep interruptions, with hope a new planet on the horizon
It was grueling to be awakened often, and then find no hope 
We didn't have an option, we'd find our planet, send a probe
If we found life it must be measured, but so far, we're alone
In 100 years humans went from covered wagons to rockets
Space travel possible, the dream unforeseen by the prophets
Our species would go extinct without finding a new frontier
A call went out to gather our crew, many then volunteered
Since anything is better than dying doing nothing, waiting
The disaster leading to our mission was ongoing, no abating
We were not about to refuse to lift a hand in our final stand
This quest required great bravery to find a homeland
Eventually we'll find our next home, or become extinct