Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Grateful for Aging

This world is said to hunger for justice
All the while refusing to even fight for it
To find a resolution or achieve a solution
It is said that people are hyper critical
But there is no critical thinking now
We've no true judgment in this age
If wisdom is earned, youth fleeting
We must endeavor to enter maturity
As if we are appearing upon a stage
Our mind and heart being seasoned
To take a curtain call and end the play
With mercy for all, respect for reason
Remove the mask, end the masquerade
Embrace existence in all of its forms
Try to appreciate all of your days
For each day moves swiftly by us
I've been told that aging is a privilege
While I don't know if that is truth
I know I have missed wisdom lost
When my beloved mother passed
After a life time she spent, helping
 Working, praying, beneath the cross
Serving others and sharing her love
One who leads by service to others
One who leads by paying the cost