Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The False Path We have Taken

As the flocks of sparrows fly away, crows mutter and move along
The trumpets can be heard playing and followed by explosions
Humanity has now arrived, we've reached terminal station
Destroyed a world, killed our children, no sacred ground
As the Horsemen ride, never think that they won't ride
We contaminated water, air, corrupted all generations
Unable to return home, safely, the damage is fatal
Can't see our mistakes, hubris leads to confusion
Can't escape the consequences, enter damnation
Rather than blame others, we must understand
This entire disaster came by our own hands
For no other person will be found guilty
It is our own sin and final destination
Not blaming circumstance, or chance
We did it, all without knowing
Committing self immolation
With one final dance