Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Before the Spirit Flees, Take Me

I'm a failure, a fool and a liar
Within me a traitor to the core
By chains I'm tied to my flesh
With my own tortures I abhor
By my actions flesh is made slave
Some believe I am mighty
In spirit and in my flesh
But I'm a weak man
A fool, yes, and cruel
I've addiction to desire
I long to be adored
By my idolatry I suffer
I've made myself a whore
Not to chemicals or to greed
But my heart must be reformed
By thoughts and idolatry I break
I am waiting to be freed
I know alone I can't escape
My redemption will come
With a cost I cannot pay
By my own works I can't be saved
My flesh is broken, I am weak
I need forgiveness, to be restored
And all of my sins linger still
Until, the prophecies are fulfilled
Leading one to give a sacrifice
His blood shed for my sins
But even now I know
My flesh longs to stray
Lord please take me now
And let your spirit remain