Thursday, May 5, 2022

One Last Shot

Imagine that the end is coming
You've died for no good reason
Minutes passing, in the madness
Moments before that final shot
You died as a defender of a city
Where you grew up, your home
But even as Berlin was damned
Whatever the effort, it would fall
Whatever heroes or madmen
Attacking by oncoming waves
Of Soviet Army battle groups
Imagine the insanity and pain
Dying without having beliefs
Or you were a true believer
But by the end of the war
Those were few in number
Maybe you were drafted
Being compelled to fight
But already broken
A war damaged man
A First World War
80 year old veteran
A grandfather, a kind man
Or you're a 15 year old youth
Not an adult or able to vote
No politics or understanding
Only a blush of life and then
Dead without knowing, why
Why did you die?