Monday, May 23, 2022

A Life Sentence, Set me Free

In despair, I confess I wonder if life is empty
With choices absurd, difficult, without meaning
To some life is great, worthwhile, happy, with joy
Some live in luxury, with chances to make a wish
Most do not live in that fashion, finding suffering
The pain, decay and damnation just the beginning
Darkness forms in the distance, visibly growing
But behind the veil of eternity, truth is revealing
To the broken, thoughts of happiness seem a myth
Without love, no celebrations or church bells ringing
How can we endure, how can any move forward
Ask if our dreams are false, empty stone monoliths
Caged in a cell for life, a cell comprised of our flesh
We are given an immutable life sentence
With every day finding diminishing breaths
If life is meaningless, why should I bother dreaming
If at the end of life and we are freed, finally
Into the void now I am gazing
Should I not wait in anticipation for Death's kiss?
For all the memories fading and reaper's scythe
I hold upon hope, uncertain what life offers
But I hope beyond reason that it has meaning
I ask if the entire of life is spent upon sorrow
Why should it matter that I've ever existed?
Unless there's more and a hope for tomorrow

“I have come home at last! This is my real country!
I belong here. This is the land I have been looking
for all my life, though I never knew it till now.
Come further up, come further in!”   C.S. Lewis