Thursday, May 12, 2022

Smiling through the smoke

My life has been eternal darkness, and a cold rain
Loving you has been walking upon broken glass
My good memories sucked out by vacuum and drain
You've sought to turn my dreamland into wastelands
With my flesh cut to ribbons and scars that will last
With nothing inside worth keeping, not even secrets
You've taken my heart but I know you'll reject me
Stealing my dreams, spreading anthrax to infect me
Awaken me now, I stare into the void and realize
This entire time you've mocked me for my honesty
But I see, you've always been wearing a disguise
You are there, smiling through the smoke, rising
As a fire of my life burns, smoke stinging my eyes

"Was the earth put here just to nourish
human loneliness?” Haruki Murakami