Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Staring at the sun

“No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality.”  Shirley Jackson

Living in a world gone blind I decided to try something new, something that would change the way I thought, the way I saw, the way I was. It occurred to me, and I knew, there was no way out.

Staring at the sun, I'd begun to cry as the tears burned. The light was intense, and I had no regrets, even fewer doubts.  For a moment I thought angels were flying nearby.

But as my vision had faded, by the sound of their wings, I knew, I was present when the birds of our planet sought to leave. They had nowhere to go, the world they'd known was now dying.

However they escape it would end similarly, no matter how hard they might be trying.  The world and all of her children will surely be gone. Explanations fail, I could be wrong.

So I ask myself, is it wrong to seek to live, to find someplace better, along with all who are able to leave?  Is it wrong to survive, even if we caused the death of this place?

Even if I've been deceived and know I am a fool, do I deserve to live? If so how can I join the birds?  How can I fly to a safe place?  How can I find a way to be alive, in a world that death has embraced?

“There is a luxury in self-reproach. When we blame ourselves, we feel that no one else has a right to blame us. It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution.”  Oscar Wilde