Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rusted Steel Leviathans

We watch as the children play upon the rusted steel leviathans.

Rulers of the world in the past before the fall and the famines.

They now dance and act as if upon the stage, ignorant to the wars of the damned.

It was a miracle to survive the final act.

Our leaders worshiped Mammon, the wars return us to the stone age.

There is not a patch of green in a brown land, as we are forced to accept our place in the caste.

Where only steel artifacts remain, bones of the dragons,
          how they've littered the fields where we now must live.

There is nothing left but to forgive those called the destroyers.

We must try to begin building a world.

Let us return to civilization
                as ever before anew.

“Night and day, wind and storm, tide and earthquake, impeded man no longer. He had harnessed Leviathan. All the old literature, with its praise of Nature, and its fear of Nature, rang false as the prattle of a child.”  E.M. Forster